
Nothreat provides cybersecurity solutions. To effectively protect its clients' businesses, the company leverages AI continuous learning systems and implements the principles of collective immunity to gather data on attacks worldwide

Client’s Goals

Position the brand as an established business with a large client base, moving away from startup associations. Emphasize its futuristic vision, technological advancement, and boldness

Project Task

Highlight the concept of antifragility: the threats Nothreat faces only make it stronger

Our Solution

We created the brand identity, logo, and website design. To emphasize the idea of antifragility, we used the metaphor of space armor — the logo forms into a 3D pattern reminiscent of protective armor. Facing threats, this defensive armor absorbs them and transforms into protective energy. Similarly, by gathering data on attacks worldwide, Nothreat enhances the security of each of its clients. The imagery of armor combined with a space aesthetic evokes a sense of safety, protection, and reflects the brand's commitment to innovation and scale



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